what will you do
What does your day look like?
If you start at K+N, you will also receive a badge, so that you have access, but your hours are also registered. You walk to the beautiful canteen of K + N, there are also coffee machines where you can grab a nice cup of coffee. They also have microwaves and a fridge so you can heat up your own meals.
You have your safety shoes on and of course you have your vest on, this is mandatory for our safety. At the start of the shift, all departments start with a day on the floor to go through the day together and look back.
Training process:
You will be trained by colleagues or supervisors / foremen, it is important to continue to follow the instructions regarding safety. A buddy is assigned who will show you around and who you can fall back on if you don't know what to do. There is mainly cooperation, because this location is somewhat smaller, I notice real teamwork here!
Working hours:
10:00-20:00 (intermediate service is used in case of arrears)
Shift addition:
06:00 - 07:00 -> 35% (14,23 + 35% = 19,22)
19:00 - 24:00 -> 35%
24:00-06:00 -> 45% (14,23 + 45 % = 20,64)
Zaterdag -> 50% (14,23 + 50 % = 21,35)
Zondag -> 100% (14,23 + 100% = 28,46)