Terug naar zoekresultaten Logistics employee evening shift (English)

Logistics employee evening shift (English)

  • Waddinxveen
  • € 17,26 per uur
  • 30 uur, 5 dagen per week
  • Lekkerland

Do you prefer to work in the evenings? Then we have the ideal job for you! At Lekkerland you will work as a logistics employee in the evening shift. This way you get a lot of allowance and you can earn up to € 17.26 per hour. In addition, you can work for a longer period of time and have a chance to win a permanent contract! Wow! Read on and come work as a logistics employee at Lekkerland!

what we offer

Hourly wage€ 17,26 (21+) incl. allowance

Career opportunities & chance of a contract

Holiday allowance & travel allowance

A nice working atmosphere and friendly colleagues!

A chill and affordable canteen!

Without allowance you earn €13.81 - €14.13

who you are

As a logistics employee it is important that you:

  • Available Monday to Friday from 14:30 PM - 19:00 PM and 15:15 PM - 21:00 PM. Morning from 07:00 - 15:00 is also possible!
  • You can get to Lekkerland with your own transportation. Unfortunately there is no option with public transport

what will you do

As a logistics employee you will work in the tobacco department. In this department you will collect orders together with your colleagues using a picking system. The system ensures that a light will burn at the rack where you need to pick your order. As a logistics employee you mainly work in the afternoon and/or evening (but mornings are also possible). This allows you to enjoy breakfast in bed in peace and quiet and you can combine this job with other obligations. That's nice, isn't it?!

where will you work

At Lekkerland you will be welcomed with open arms. You will be trained well and you can always contact your helpful colleagues if you have any questions. When you start working as a logistics employee, you will of course also receive a good salary! You get a lot of benefits with you. There are also career opportunities and you have a chance to win a permanent contract after 26 weeks of work! Apply immediately!

Tour the workfloor

With the tour you'll take a look at your new employer


Do you want to get started quickly as a logistics employee? Apply immediately as a logistics employee at Lekkerland in Waddinxveen! Do you have questions? Then app, call or email us!

Vragen of hulp nodig?

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Magdalena en Kim
