Perspectiefverklaring: this is how you get it!
With a perspectiefverklaring you as a flexworker can qualify for a mortgage.
Surprised? No need to be. At Tempo-Team, we have developed the so-called 'perspectiefverklaring'. The way for a flexworker to qualify for a mortgage. And now you want to know how you can get a perspectiefverklaring. Read on and get ready to celebrate!
On this page
What is a perspectiefverklaring?
With a perspectiefverklaring we look at your future in the labor market. To receive a perspectiefverklaring not only your contract is taken into account, but also your prospects on the labor market. Based on your education, work experience, position, and skills. Okay, and now? Request the statement from Tempo-Team if you plan to buy a house within the next six months. And you know what's great? The mortgage provider treats your application just like someone with a permanent contract.
The conditions in a nutshell
- CHECK 1: When you start the application, you have been working for Tempo-Team for at least 26 weeks.
- CHECK 2: Wait to buy a house until you actually have the perspectiefverklaring in your possession. This way, you avoid a hefty fine!
- CHECK 3: The perspectiefverklaring is valid for six months after date of issue.
Please note: if you worked for us for less than 52 weeks but more than 26 weeks, the additional requirement is that you worked for at least 12 months in the last 14 months. You must prove this to the mortgage provider yourself with the help of a UWV verzekeringsbericht
More than half of the applicants for the perspectiefverklaring actually receive the statement from Tempo-Team. Even with a complete file, good references, and evaluations, the prospects on the labor market may still be disappointing. Keep this in mind!